Vista at Simi Valley

Simi Valley,


Urban Commons Royal


RRM Architects




48,862 SQ FT

Vista at Simi Valley

Vista at Simi Valley broke ground in February of 2018 for the 95-unit senior living facility on a 66,900 sq. ft lot.

Due to the site conditions, Deep Soil Mixing (DSM) stone piles were used to support the building foundation. The building is type-V framing with a stucco/stone and curtain wall façade. The project included a 20-unit memory care wing, kitchen and dining areas, several community areas–including a library, activity room, gym, movie room, salon and lounge areas.

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Vista at Simi Valley

Vista at Simi Valley

Vista at Simi Valley

Vista at Simi Valley

Vista at Simi Valley

Vista at Simi Valley

SIMILAR Projects