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The Veterans of Staples Construction

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Veterans Day falls on Wednesday, November 11th, the anniversary of the end of World War I. We’d like to take the opportunity to recognize the Veterans of Staples Construction that once served in our United States Armed Forces, along with those who still do. Mark Hodge, Director of Construction for Job Order Contracts in Northern California, makes a concerted effort to support our military by providing employment opportunities after their service careers. “Having served myself, it is an absolute pleasure to work side by side with military veterans who have transitioned into the construction industry,” Mark shares. Our Veterans hold a variety of different positions within the company, across the span of Northern and Southern California.

Mike Hernandez, Project Manager – Sacramento
US Army National Guard, Infantry (Active)

Mark Hodge, Director of Construction for Job Order Contracts – Sacramento
US Army National Guard, Infantry

Craig Nutter, Senior Superintendent – Fremont
US Army, Cavalry Scout

Michael Pera, Project Superintendent – Salinas
US Air Force, Security Police

Steve Rowe, Estimator – Ventura
US Air Force, Engineering

Tom Scheel, Regional Manager – Salinas
US Air Force, Nuclear Weapons Specialist

James Soliz, Safety Manager – Ventura
US Navy, Hospital Corpsman

Jack Wharton, Project Manager – Sacramento
US Army, Combat Engineer

Mitch Wise, Project Superintendent – Sacramento
US Army, Combat Medic and Cavalry Scout

We’d like to recognize and honor all our Veterans at Staples, as well as everyone else who has served our country, is currently serving, or who has given the ultimate sacrifice. Thank you for your service!

Happy Veterans Day!


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