Mesa Farm Tiny Home Community Officially Open in July

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CBS News Feature: Ventura County opens tiny home community for young adults struggling with homelessness

Mesa opened their tiny home community in Ventura County to young adults experiencing homelessness on a 10-acre former orange orchard.

Each home is roughly 270 square feet and has a full kitchen, bathroom and living area with a lofted bedroom. State, County, and private philanthropy all came together to fund this community, including nearly $4 Million from Project Homekey.

In Ventura County, there are 300-400 young adults experiencing homelessness. This is an important step towards alleviate some of their hardships. Each house is equipped with a laptop and wifi and all young adults have access to services such as education and job training.

Mesa plans on partnering with other organizations across southern California to expand their support of young adults experiencing homelessness.

Learn more about this project by viewing details at the

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